First class pernambuco stick, Sartory head, mammoth tip, selected Sartory ebony frog with Parisian eye, threepart button with gold fish inlay, silver wire winding
Old and new get along together splendidly in the music field. With Andreas D?rfler the family
company D?rfler enters the 5th generation and, punctually to this change of generation, the product assortment will be extended. The new line of bows* ?Ligne Boh?me? is oriented on the style of old French masters. The bowheads are more delicate and stylish, the French frogs, the naturally coloured sticks and the conical button appear as if they were actually from another epoch.
With the new line of bows not just the nostalgics and friends of old arts get their money?s worth. The combination of modern expert knowledge results in a product of an entirely exceptional class. Here beautiful design and best tonal quality are united to a fine specimen.