DC22 Dörfler "W.E. Dörfler" Master Series cello bow, 4/4, pernambuco, silver mounted, round Out of stock 2 282,6 лв
BC-75 ELS cello bow, 4/4, pernambuco, octagonal stick, ebony frog, parisian eye, fully silver mounted Out of stock 820,9 лв
FBC-50/44 ELS cello bow, 4/4, carbon fiber/pattern, round, ebony frog, parisian eye, fully nickel mounted Out of stock 276,6 лв
FBC-5044-W ELS cello bow, 4/4, carbon fiber/wood layered, round, ebony frog, parisian eye, fully nickel mounted Out of stock 276,6 лв
DC17 Dörfler "W. Dörfler" Series cello bow 4/4, pernambuco, Parisian eye, full lined, octagonal Out of stock 787,4 лв
BC-90-H ELS cello bow, 4/4, pernambuco, octagonal stick, fully silver mounted, copy "Hill" Out of stock 1 034,3 лв
DC9 Dörfler Nickel Silver Collection cello bow 4/4, massaranduba, Parisian eye, full lined, octagonal Out of stock 466,6 лв