JCE-SET-BLK Jargar Classic Blue cello string set, medium, flexi-metal, bulk of 10 sets Out of stock 2 272,9 лв
P333150 Pirastro Perpetual Edition cello string A-1 medium, steel core, chrome steel Out of stock 116,8 лв
P333450 Pirastro Perpetual Edition cello string C-4 medium, rope core, tungsten Out of stock 282,2 лв
P333190 Pirastro Perpetual Soloist cello string A-1 heavy, steel core, chrome steel Out of stock 109,0 лв
P333170 Pirastro Perpetual Soloist cello string A-1 light, steel core, chrome steel Out of stock 109,1 лв
P338120 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe cello string A-1 medium, steel core, chrome steel Out of stock 82,2 лв
P338220 Pirastro Flexocor Deluxe cello string D-2 medium, steel core, chrome steel Out of stock 83,5 лв
THDP-41 Thomastik Infeld Dominant Pro cello string A-1 4/4 medium, carbon steel, chrome Out of stock 129,5 лв
THDP-42 Thomastik Infeld Dominant Pro cello string D-2 4/4 medium, carbon steel, chrome Out of stock 100,8 лв
THDP-44 Thomastik Infeld Dominant Pro cello string C-4 4/4 medium, spiral core, tungsten-nickel alloy Out of stock 163,0 лв
JCE-G-EVO Jargar Evoke cello string G-3, medium, spiral core, tungsten-nickel wound Out of stock 116,8 лв
TH-95 Thomastik Infeld Präzision cello string G-3 4/4 medium, steel core, chrome Out of stock 37,8 лв